TripName;Boat_Name;Skipper_Name;Signup_Proc;Flier_info;Other_printed_info;Pretrip_Mtg;General;Reason1;Reason2;Reason3;Other_Reason;Trip_Length;Checkout;Start_time;Place1;Place1_rating;Place2;Place2_rating;Place3;Place3_rating;Restaurant;Rest_rating;Checkin;SailingArea;TLPerform;Expectations;Trip_Comments;Layout;Equipment;Berth;Boat;Skipper;MATE;Safety;VHF;Galley;HEAD;Sails;Docklines;Learning;Participation;SkipMate;Help;Close_quarters;Crewmates.COST;;Value;improvements;return;reply;name;email;time_to_complete On-Water Training;Windsong;Julio Menendez;10;10;10;na;There are no items under 10 - all was pefectly planned and executed. Information was very helpful in not having to wonder/worry about ANY details of the trip.;10;6;10;Fairlee Creek;8;Fairlee Creek;8;Write in location;na;Fairlee Creek Marina;8;8;8;10;;10;10;10;No complaints - all was extremely comfortable/pleasant.;10;na;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;Saturday and Sunday we had Skipper and no first mate. Julio did well so none was really needed. However it is good to have a backup just in case…;10;10;;10;10;;yes;no;lillian parsons; On-Water Training;;Chichester/Sefcik;10;10;10;na;;10;10;9;Fairlee Creek;8;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Great Oak whatchacallit;8;na;8;10;;7;8;4;;10;na;na;na;na;na;na;na;10;10;;10;8;;10;10;;yes;no;Jon Stufflebeem; On-Water Training;Jenny Ann/Wind Venture;Sefcik/Chichester;8;8;8;na;;9;7;8;Fairlee Creek;8;Fairlee Creek;8;;na;Can't remember;7;7;9;10;;9;9;9;;10;10;8;2;7;8;8;6;9;9;Although a significant amount of time was spent working with the dock lines I found myself just following instructions rather than really understanding what we were doing. This should probably be covered in the preceding classroom session. We did not use the radio at all and it's use was barely mentioned.;10;8;;9;10;The overall experience exceeded my expectations and I would highly recommend it to everyone. ;yes;yes;Andre Casanova; On-Water Training;Minerva/Wind Dancer;Gilmore/Menendez;10;8;10;na;It was only at the last minute I realized that by meeting the class at Fairlee could mean being stranded in Rock Hall. That situation should have been made more prominent in the description.;8;4;9;Fairlee Creek;9;Fairlee Creek;1;Write in location;na;Mears;5;10;10;10;Checkout was shortchanged leaving Haven not done at all when switching boats so we rather missed the entire process.;8;8;8;Both boats in excellent condition and great to sail. As usual quarters a bit cramped for as many crew as we had even being down one person each way. I'd be willing to pay more for more space.;9;na;na;na;na;na;na;na;10;8;"Two instructors virtually at opposite ends of the spectrum. Gilmore very laid back though full of good advice and instruction. Menendez didn't get to do maneuvering instruction with us but what he did was correct though handled rather abruptly. While most of our team were experienced it was disorienting to the helmsman simply to say ""You're taking me off course"" or ""That was a bad tack"" without any helpful advice for the future.";10;5;About as well matched in experience as you could get in this particular training group. Only one person was relatively new to sailing. Fortunately he asked a lot of questions which was helpful to all of us.;10;10;In retrospect I could have used more than one opportunity to dock - different directions different conditions. Docking is the toughest thing to do. I do think that Gilmore's approach having each of us go through the entire sequence in turn is a great improvement. Ideally I would have like to run through it all twice.;yes;no;Richard Van Deusen; On-Water Training;;;9;9;9;na;;8;9;9;Write in location;8;Write in location;8;Write in location;na;Name of restaurant;8;9;10;10;;8;9;9;;8;na;na;na;na;na;na;na;9;9;;10;9;;8;8;;yes;no;zoltan spolarics; On-Water Training;wind dancer/minerva;julio/don;10;8;8;1;Trip information should have included the fact that this is not a substitute for sailing school. There were people on board that seemed to expect more detailed instruction;8;5;8;Fairlee creek;7;Fairlee creek;7;Write in location;7;Name of restaurant;6;5;9;9;Our skipper did not include us in the check out/in procedures. He gave a safety briefing and showed us some of the basic locations of ship board equipment just before we left the dock. Check in was especially confusing - which boat were we responsible for helping to clean up? Neither skipper was communicative about what standard check in required or what clean up was needed. Restaurant was adequate - some meals were better than others. Overall - my preference would have been to have a first mate on board for the trip up to Fairlee Creek. I think it was very stressful for Julio to have a boat full of people who didn't know a line from a sheet or which was port or staarboard. Few knew proper docking procedures and with the wind that we had it could have been dangerous. Having at least one other person on board who knew what he/she was doing would have been better.;7;7;5;Couldn't adjust to sleeping on an 18 inch wide bench. On the Pearson the throttle and gear shift was in an awkward location. Had to put hand through the wheel in order to adjust speed/gear. I liked the navigation aids at the wheel on the Minerva. Having the wind indicator/knots/depth in front of you made it easier to keep on course.;7;9;6;6;7;7;7;7;9;8;"One of the things that confused people on board was non specific terminology. ""Over there - where I'm pointing"" doesn't say as much as ""2 o'clock"". Since we had a boat of people with little or no sailing knowledge - an explanation of terminology or grou";9;8;I think a pre trip meeting would have been helpful to organize things a little better. Having five women on board had its own set of challenges. Women tend to pack for everything and everyone therefore we had much too much food on board. Having an opportunity to compare notes ahead of time would have cut that down. Women CAN NOT just bring stuff for themselves!;8;9;great trip - would do it again in a heart beat! The people were great - friendly helpful and just generally enjoyable. I feel the overall experience was very good. Was thinking at first that it might be better to divide up the neophytes but upon thinking further about this - probably just having one other person on board who knew what they were doing would be better. I can see that dividing them up amongst the different boats would probably reduce the amount of time that the neophytes would be actively participating and would just add to the frustration levels of the more experienced sailors.;yes;yes;betty grieve; On-Water Training;;John S.;10;8;9;na;;10;10;10;Write in location;9;Write in location;9;Write in location;1;Name of restaurant;7;8;8;10;;9;9;8;;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;S and FM were skilled patient and fun (true of all S and FMs I've experienced with the club) Those I spent time with were very effective in providing directon explainations and! No outbursts when we made mistakes etc. I had a great time and learned a lot.;10;10;;9;9;;no;no;; On-Water Training;Jenny Ann - Catalina/Beneteau;John Sefchik/Rob Chichester;10;10;10;na;;10;10;8;Fairlee Creek;10;Fairlee Creek;10;Write in location;1;Great Oak;5;10;10;10;;10;10;10;;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;;10;10;Everyone onboard got along very well together;8;10;;yes;no;Kathy Gilchrist; On-Water Training;Dancing Wind??;Julio Menendez;10;10;10;10;I had no previous sailing experience. Julio was very patient and helpful so I felt very comfortable. I was able to learn while having a wonderful time because everyone in my group was very encouraging to me.;10;10;10;Write in location;10;Write in location;10;Write in location;1;Name of restaurant;9;10;10;10;Don Gilmore was the skipper on the way back and he also was an excellent teacher.;10;10;8;clean;10;na;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;Julio is an excellent teacher. I felt very fortunate to have him on my first sailing experience.;10;10;We were all considerate of each other and shared the cleaning etc.;10;10;;yes;no;Pat Curley; On-Water Training;Minerva;Don Gilmore;10;10;10;na;Excellent duration for OWT. The Friday 1/2 day sail to position the boats the Saturaday training at the docks the Sunday return sail. Excellent mix of sailing and training familarization.;10;10;10;at dock;10;at dock;10;Write in location;1;Great Oak Marina Restaurant;9;10;9;10;;8;9;8;;10;na;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;Skipper and crew decided to rotate one person through all the drills on one turn at the wheel vs. swapping each person until everyone did one of the drills. This made for better learning experience and efficiency.;10;9;Just a note for the future. Julio had a crew of either first timers and or timid sailors. I think he should of had at least one experienced crew member; ecpecially since the first thing done was to transit the boats ! Not that Julio could not handle it; but it was an unnecessary safety concern.;8;10;An excellent event for the Club. We need to keep an eye on keeping the price low so everyone is encouraged to take OWT periodically. It's one trip that the Club should 'break-even' on or run at a slight loss since it's key to our safety and desire to encourage more skippers and first mates.;yes;no;Cliff Rimpo; Sailing & Nav Rally;Chiquita;Dave Steward;10;10;10;na;;10;10;10;Annapolis, MD;10;Annapolis, MD;10;South River (Glebe Bay);10;Name of restaurant;1;10;10;10;Annapolis is a great town. The shower facilities (lack of a light in the Ladies Room the entire weekend) at the marina were only so-so (not a big deal but they could be improved);10;10;9;;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;The Rally was a great way to learn and practice DR/fixes.;10;10;;10;10;I thought the Rally was a great learning experience.;yes;no;Kathy Gilchrist;;; Sailing & Nav Rally;Perserverance;Joe Brozek;10;10;8;na;;10;8;10;Lets Go Sailing marina;7;Lets Go Sailing marina;7;up a creek;10;Chart House;8;8;9;na;;8;8;6;We were a little crammed as we were 6 on a boat that slept 5 comfortably.;10;10;10;na;9;9;10;10;10;10;;9;7;;9;na;;yes;no;;;; On-Water Training;Chiquita;Steward;10;10;na;na;;1;10;1;Annapolis;1;Glebe Creek;1;Write in location;1;Chart House;10;10;10;na;We also had dinner at Buddy's the second night. The food there was average, but the beer was good. I would not recommend it for dinner unless picking crabs was the desired meal. There are better places to eat in Annapolis for the same money. I would like to see this event held again. It was fun and different. The only thing I would change would be to determine the ETA after you are underway and have 2-3 positions plotted rather than at the dock. Setting a rhum line and float plan before you leave the dock is good so the crew knows where it is going and how it might get there, but the ETA calculation took a lot of time and had to be redone after you got out and found out where the wind was really coming from and about how fast you were sailing. The time spent at the dock calculating the ETA was wasted time because the forecasted winds were nothing like the actual sailing conditions. Something to consider.;8;10;na;The boat was nice and well equiped. Everything worked. The water system was a bit mysterious. The water pump seemed to run when we were using the center tank. And when I filled the starboard tank, it seemed to never fill. There were no vents apparent on the hull, so it was hard to determine when the tank was full. That was the only quirky thing with the boat. She was comfortable, sailed nicely and was well balanced.;10;na;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;Dave was great fun to sail with, and he's quite entertaining, especially when you feed him a few beers at dinner. The stories were great, and I haven't laughed that much on a trip in quite some time. He's a wonderful sailor and skipper, and I would gladly sail with him again. The first mate, well, I can't comment, but I did receive some nice complements from other crew on the boat.;10;10;The crew was great! They all participated in the exercises and seemed to enjoy themselves. There was no bellyaching or whining. It was a nice learning environment and everyone got to do what they wanted and as much as they wanted.;10;10;;yes;yes;Laura Laughlin;; Sailing & Nav Rally;Chiquita;Dave Steward;10;7;na;10;I'm told that driving instructions to the marina were not included. ;9;na;9;Annapolis;7;Whatever cove we were in ;7;Write in location;na;Chart House;8;na;8;10;Annapolis is a great town, and always enjoy sailing out of this port. However, marina facilities were disappointing. I applaud the Club's willingness to try new ideas.;5;7;7;Boat was well equipped to sleep 10 with a fully stocked galley and nice heads. However, the boat interior design was dangerous (big step-down in main cabin), so that crew were continually tripping (falling is a more appropraite word) off the step either while walking through the cabin or when sliding out from behind the dining table. Boat speed instrument not working. ;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;;10;10;;8;8;Glad to have a crew that adhered to "sensible" provisioning. It helps keep the cost down, and minimizes waste. ;yes;no;;; Sailing & Nav Rally;;Dave Steward;10;10;10;10;It was an excellent introduction since I'm new to sailing to the rules of navigation. I now have a baseline to understand the techniques for coastal navigation. Having hands-on experience helped gain an understanding of information that would have been difficult to comprehend from a classroom experience.;10;10;10;Annapolis;10;Annapolis;10;Turkey Pt. ?;10;Crab House;7;10;10;10;;10;10;10;The boat was new, clean, and very comfortable.;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;David and Laura were excellent teachers. The were very conscious of safety procedures. I felt comfortable and safe sailing with them. Plus I had a lot of fun with them as well.;10;10;Nice group of people.;10;10;;yes;yes;Pat Curley;; June 2-Day Trip;Wind Dancer;McKenzie;10;10;10;6;;8;9;10;Write in location;9;Write in location;1;Write in location;1;Name of restaurant;1;10;10;8;;9;6;7;We had dead battery on Sunday morning, head that would not bring water in or pump it all out, and water in bilge compartments, overflowing onto cabin sole on Sunday while sailing. Able to pump out and stay dry, no more coming in...problem not found.;na;10;na;na;na;na;na;na;na;na;Mia is a great FM...hope she will want to be a skipper;10;9;All new except Mia...Gaffneys and Joe Kohler were great. Ken, after he got more comfortable, was pleasant.;3;9;;yes;no;Cecile;; June 2-Day Trip;Wind something, venture i think;Steve Krakauer;10;10;10;na;;7;9;10;Chester River;9;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Name of restaurant;na;10;9;10;;7;9;6;If the weather wasn't as nice then the below deck accomodations would have been worse. with nice weather 2 crew members we able to sleep in the cockpit, which was great. a small "V" birth may be fine for a couple, but not so fine for two people that don't know each other.;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;9;10;;10;10;;8;8;;yes;no;;; On-Water Training;Wind Dancer;Cecilia;10;10;10;na;Despite some problems with our boat we had a great trip. The crew was wonderful. Thank you Cecil, Mia, Ken & Joe!;5;10;10;haven harbour;10;courseca river;10;Write in location;1;Name of restaurant;1;10;10;10;Wish the trip was longer.;10;5;10;Head broke and we had a little flood, but all went well.;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;;10;10;;10;10;;yes;no;;; June 2-Day Trip;wind song;bob D;10;8;8;na;Pre information was good, but I have been on a boat before. As this trip is promoted for "newbies" and never-beens -- it may help to provide instruction on how to go online and view the boat information. For example -- since we missed pre-trip meeting, and the attendees very nicely allocated all the food responsibilities -- it was difficult to assess how much food we could bring, if we'd wanted. What kind of storage, how to pack, disks, utensils, (and a speller) A very minor issue!! The meeting was Monday evening -- a Friday night or weekend day would work better.;5;10;10;boat at dock;6;anchor in river;8;Write in location;1;Name of restaurant;10;10;8;10;I would say it was too short -- but without a head -- maybe not!! Bob spent alot of time for his checkout -- not a complaint -- a recognition that the skipper spent this time. Checkout procedures reviewed with us was perfect. All topics were covered. Details were provided, but not overdone. Questions were solicited and answered well. General area for sail was nice. Had a problem with a boat dumping and we found while swimming -- YUK! but dont know there was anything anyone could do about it. No checklist covered that one.;8;5;6;problems with the head, -- yuk! All else seems layed out well and worked well. Boat was nice, but for the head thing.;10;10;10;8;8;8;10;10;10;10;Bob did a great job of explaining the sailing systems and teaching, Bill and Bob worked well together, Bill also provided nice teaching. All I needed was provided, and any questions were fully answered. Good skipper and 1st mate! For explaination ratings less than 10 -- I would say it was more on the receiver end, than on the senders end. Not all learning systems were up to speed. But enough information was given for basics, and all questions were answered.;10;10;everyone was pleasant, interesting, and easy to get along.;7;7;;yes;no;;; On-Water Training;;;10;9;8;na;;5;6;5;haven harbor;7;Write in location;9;Write in location;na;waterman,s ;7;9;8;8;I am a bit of an eager beaver and would have liked an earlier start on our sailing. Saturday had light winds so early departure was not an issue. However, Sunday had great 15-20 knot breezes and our weighing anchor after 11am. was frustrating.;7;5;7;We had a couple of problems with "systems". Battery failure and bilge pump problems were puzzling but handled well by Captain and Trip leader.;8;8;8;8;5;6;7;7;9;9;Mechanical systems on boats are new to me and although we had our problems they were handled well by the crew;7;10;;9;8;;yes;no;Joe Koehler;; Lake Champlain;Colleen;Joe Brozek;10;8;9;na;;;Sailing Area;To be with Friend, spouse, etc.;Personal Favorite;5;5;1;Valcour Is.;6;Malletts Bay;6;Valcour Is., Spoon Bay;10;Willsboro Bay Marina;8;8;8;8;8;1. Departure time - Because we were told boat had to be topped off w/fuel - requiring a 1 1/2 hr. trip to Shelburne Ship Yard - we didn't get underway till 4 pm (were not able to board boats till past noon). 2. Length of Trip. Too short, especially since we could not board till noon Mon. and had to return by noon on Fri. An improvement would have been for us to sleep over Sun. night and depart Mon. A.M. 3. Trip Itinerary: The 2 days in the middle of the trip "in Mallets Bay area" proved to be too loose resulting in some boats going their own way (ours included) instead of remaining in the prescribed area.;8;8;8;Excellent boat - plenty of space - Bimini & dodger great.;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;5;10;Opp. to learn - Few new situations for me.;10;9;;8;8;See note above about length of trip.;yes;no;Stan;; Lake Champlain;;Steve K.;10;9;10;8;;;Sailing Area;Other;No Answer;6;8;4;Valcour Isl.;10;Mallett's Bay Marina;10;Mallett's Bay Marina;6;N/A;1;10;8;9;6;I like to start earlier and sail longer, but it was fun when we sailed. I hate motoring;5;7;5;;9;5;9;8;8;2;9;9;7;10;Skipper knew his stuff, but didn't delegate, and did alot of the work himself.;10;10;;10;10;;yes;yes;Alex Nislick;; Lake Champlain;;Jack Buckley;10;10;10;10;;;Sailing Area;Trip Leader Reputation;No Answer;5;8;8;Valcour Island;9;Mallet's Bay Marina;5;Willsboro Bay Marina;8;At Willsboro Bay Marina;8;9;8;10;8;;5;5;4;Diesel smell due to leaky hose fitting. Charter company couldn't fix until we got off due to heavy schedule for boat.;10;na;10;10;10;10;10;10;7;10;Jack's a very good skipper. We were only two couples on a 33' boat and we had a great time.;10;8;Crewmates were Skipper's and First Mate's wives - ;1;1;;yes;no;;; Lake Champlain;Colleen;Brozek;10;10;10;8;;;Sailing Area;Sailing Area;Personal Favorite;8;8;3;west side of Valcour I;9;Mallett's Bay Marina;5;Spoon Bay on Valcour I.;10;Willsboro Bay;9;10;10;10;10;In spite of all the heat we took about going back to Valcour Island on the third night, my crew and I still feel that it was a good and enjoyable move. This gave us an opportunity to spend a great evening on the hook and explore the island on foot. This was instead of spending a second night at Mallett's Bay marina or the north coves on Mallett's bay with not much to do. In spite of all the talk about safety at the board meeting, we did not jeopordize our safety or the safety of the fleet. ;10;7;8;;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;;10;10;;10;10;;yes;no;Joe Brozek;; Lake Champlain;;Steve K.;10;10;10;10;;;Sailing Area;Trip Leader Reputation;Other;10;10;10;Write in location;10;Write in location;10;Write in location;10;Name of restaurant;10;10;8;10;10;;8;8;10;;10;8;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;;10;10;;9;10;;yes;no;Cecilia Sweeney;; October Trip;Irish Rover;Dave Steward;10;10;10;5;;1. Easy/short drive to Chesapeake 2. Enjoy 3-4 day trips 3. Marketing of Trip;No Answer;No Answer;No Answer;10;1;5;Dividing Creek;10;St. Michaels;10;Magothy River;10;Crab Claw Restaurant/St. Michaels;5;10;10;10;10;;9;9;9;Although the boat we sailed (Irish Rover) was in good condition, the original boat (Lady Jane) was not in good condition;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;7;7;;10;10;;5;5;As a charter company, Let's Go Cruising, could improve the quality of their boats. On Memorial Day weekend, there were problems w/ the boats chartered. As The Sailing Club is a repeat customer, their boats should have been in better condition on the October trip.;yes;no;;; October Trip;Cat's Paw;Rob Chichester;10;8;8;10;I don't remember if directions to the marina were included in the package, but it would be useful to receive, perhaps at the pre-trip meeting or sent the website link.;Best time of year in the Chesapeake; generally lots of wind and definitely not hot & humid!;Personal Favorite;Sailing Area;Trip Reputation;10;na;10;Dividing Creek;10;St Michaels;10;Magothy River;10;Crab Claw;8;na;10;10;5;Part of the fun in having 8 boats is to be able to socialize with everyone, as we did in the 1st raft-up. Coming from different marinas can't be helped due to boat availability, but tghere is no excuse for not staying together per the trip plan. The reasons for 5 boats staying in St Michaels were somewhat lame (in my humble opinion). That's not to say flexibility is not needed on these trips, nor that crew desires should be ignored. But some people came to sail, not to shop or motor, and some people came to socialize with all 8 boats, not just 3. If this trend of renegade boats (i.e., no legitimate reason for separating from the flotilla) continues, it will seriously detract from the Club's agenda and mission. It is very convenient to use the Club to obtain boat charters and crew, and then to essentially act as a "Friend of the Club" and do what you want. (I understand there was a similar deviation on the Lake Champlain trip for purely personal reasons.) For dinner in St Michaels, it would have been better if we could have arranged for all boats to eat at the same place (as is usually done) rather than at different restaurants based on crew preferences. ;8;8;8;;10;10;7;7;7;10;7;7;7;6;With new people on board who know how to sail, or are who anxious to learn, it was sometimes difficult to do anything meaningful without vocally staking a claim. Being poised to handle lines is not enough, when crew just intercede and take over. Way to avoid this is to clearly assign tasks to specific individuals.;10;10;;10;10;;yes;no;;; October Trip;Wind Song ;Cecile McKenzie;10;10;8;10;;;Personal Favorite;Sailing Area;Marketing efforts;10;10;10;Write in location;10;Write in location;10;Write in location;10;St. Michael's Crab & Steak House;10;8;9;10;8;The activity/game of the scavenger hunt was not well planned or executed....however, those of us that stayed in St. Michaels and participated had the VERY BEST TIME. Too bad not all the boats got to enjoy the event and group high that was the result.;10;8;8;Boat was not cleaned, or so it appeared, prior to our boarding.;10;10;9;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;The Wind Song had the very best skipper and first mate ....and actually, crew. We all melded together as a team whenever a task was presented and depending on each person's strengths, worked or stood back. ;10;10;;9;10;;yes;no;;; October Trip;shooting star;steve k;10;10;10;6;;to sail, to sail & to sail!!!!!;Other;Trip Leader Reputation;Marketing efforts;8;1;9;raft up;9;St. Michaels;9;St. Michaels;2;all boats;8;9;na;10;3;I thought the trip was well planned, even the fact that some boats left from Rock Hall and some from Annapolis was fine. Again, I thougth the itinery was great. The scavenger hunt was a great idea!!! I was, howver, very disappointed in amount of sailing. although weather was not favorable, our skipper made a decision based on his ownand we never sailed from raft up to St. Michaels as the other boats did. He presented this decision as if we made the choice, but not one person admitted that they asked to go directly to St. Michaels to shop! I didn't witness any communication with other boats as to what they were doing (sailing) and that decision was made for me. In my opinion -not a good one. I agreed with the the skippers' decision to stay in St. Michaels and "wait and see" but no attempt to go "outside" the protected area to see if there was any wind - or use the boat to practice "boating" maneuvers, etc. was made. ;9;9;8;;6;6;6;8;9;9;8;8;1;6;There was no real opportunity or encouragement by S or FM or group conference regarding "sailing" or itinery. I felt bad for a beginner sailor who was not asked to participate, and I, as a seasoned sailor, gave up after awhile. Blah. I appreciate the time and committment of all organizers and skippers and club members who put their time and effort into coordination of such a trip so I don't want to complain about any of that. I just thought the skipper could have made more of an effort to use the boat for what it is - a sailboat - I personally like to sail and not motor race to a destination for the sake of getting there (St. Michaels and return Annapolis early). ;10;9;Crew mates were excellent in getting along ( I think). I would suggest putting people with like interests in sailing (vs. shopping for example). this is my fault if I was not clear enough upon signing up - I did sign up late so I probably shouldn't complain at all. I did, however, make myself clear at the pretrip meeting -that my interest was to sail! and was told my interest was shared by other crewmates present (4 of 6, including S & FM were present). ;1;1;Sorry, I cannot rate value at this time. Sorry for the complaints- again I appreciate all the effort of trip leaders and club - just disappointed for the reasons mentioned. Thanks again. ;dk;yes;Christine;; On-Water Training;Wind Song (Haven);Tom Davies;10;10;10;na;Rob always does a good job in planning, marketing and providing information. Tom was helpful, too, as I had to miss the meeting.;;Trip Leader Reputation;Sailing Area;Trip Reputation;8;10;8;Wye River;10;St. Michael's;8;Write in location;1;Crab and Steak Joint;5;10;9;10;9;Restaurant too noisy. Rob doesn't make the weather, but 5 in a 35.5 gets crowded when we can't get outside.;8;8;8;;10;na;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;;10;8;;10;8;;yes;no;Jon Stufflebeem;; On-Water Training;Wind Dancer;Joe Brozek;10;9;9;na;;1. To meet new sailing friends and to learn more about sailing.;Other;Trip Reputation;Marketing efforts;9;10;9;Raft up;10;St. Michael's marina;10;same;10;Crab & ?;6;10;9;10;9;Loved it, especially meeting new friends.;9;7;8;I think the charter company tried hard to please. I recommend using them again.;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;8;10;We just did not have much wind.;10;10;;10;10;;yes;no;;; October Trip;Wind Venture;Jack Buckley;10;10;10;10;;;To be with Friend, spouse, etc.;No Answer;No Answer;6;10;10;Wye River;9;St.Michaels;10;Magothy River/North Creek;10;St.Mik Crab & Steak;10;10;6;10;5;The weather was too cold and damp most of the time. Wind could have been better.;10;10;6;All boats have cramped accomodations.;10;7;10;10;10;3;10;10;10;10;;8;5;One crew member SNORED.;10;8;Would have been nice if the boat had a heat system. ;yes;no;Helen Buckley;; October Trip;Wind Song;Cecile;10;8;10;na;;Learn bare boat sailing Get-a-way with my wife Timing/location;Sailing Area;To be with Friend, spouse, etc.;Other;9;5;4;Annapolis/Let's Go Sailing;4;Wye River Dividing Creek;9;Harbor Inn SPa Marina St Michaels;8;St Michaels Crab and Steak;5;10;9;9;9;Late getting out of Annapolis meant we needed to sail directly to the Wye as dusk was coming early. Thus, little time to sail the Eastern Bay. The marina in Annapolis isn't exactly picturesque, but utilitarian to stay there the first night.;8;6;8;Boat was dirty. Aft cabins had mattresses in poor repair/need to be replaced. Cooking pots were horrible. ;8;10;10;8;9;10;10;9;10;10;;10;10;We had a great crew!!! I believe we all got along. Great on board food.;10;10;;yes;no;;; On-Water Training;;;10;10;10;9;;;Trip Reputation;Sailing Area;Trip Leader Reputation;9;9;9;Wye Reserve;10;St. Michaels;9;St. Michaels;9;Name of restaurant;7;10;9;10;9;;8;8;8;;10;5;10;9;10;10;8;9;8;8;Our First Mate Jon did not work as a part of a team. ;10;10;We were very comfortable with each other.;10;10;;yes;no;;; October Trip;Cat's Paw;Rob Chichester;9;9;9;10;;;To be with Friend, spouse, etc.;Trip Leader Reputation;Trip Reputation;9;10;10;Rafting;8;St Michael's;9;Rafting;8;Crab Claw;8;10;10;10;10;It was a sailing trip and I was very pleased that we had sails up at every opportunity. I appreciate the fact that an itinery was presented and adhered to. ;7;8;9;Not being a sailor it is difficult to comment on boat specifics, however my wife & I had a very spacious cabin. The cockpit area and layout of winches I found awkward.;10;10;10;9;10;10;10;10;10;10;The skipper & first mate were very knowledgeable & helpful. I asked several questions; all were addressed. I had opportunity for plenty of hands on and the skipper & first mate made my experience painless & enjoyable.;10;9;Being an introvert by nature, I had my doubts about sharing close quarters with others. I consider myself very fortunate to have had the crewmates I did. They were all fantastic people, and because of them I had a great time.;9;9;;yes;yes;Wayne Berg;; October Trip;WindSong;Cecilia mcKenzie;10;5;6;7;Had a great time. Weather is always the issue and we had two not so good sailing days out of four. I do these trips so I can sail!;to sail convenient time;Sailing Area;Other;Other;10;5;9;Write in location Annapolis marina;3;Write in location;10;Write in location;10;Name of restaurant;10;10;8;5;7;I believe it would have been better for the entire flotilla to have stayed together. The expectation that we could do what we wanted to when we wanted to led to a committee decision making process that was not very efficient and inevitably led to disapointment. The scavenger hunt was a great idea. Too bad the trp leader didn't get to stay for the hijinks surrounding it. The Vice Commodore did a stellar job of judge and jury. Very funny night. ;8;4;7;ineffective heads and or holding tanks are always a serious problem on a trip. ;10;10;5;1;8;10;9;10;7;7;;10;10;;7;7;;yes;no;Tilly-Jo Emerson;; October Trip;Shooting Star;Steve Krakauer;6;7;7;na;It was quite a while before I knew I was "confirmed" as my confirmation was noncommittal. I think it said I was "wait-listed" I had to inquire about final confirmation when the trip date was getting close and I was worried about getting air fare. Then I was graciously offered a bottle of wine for the mixup. But none was proferred on the trip? What up? ; One of last opportunities in the year to go sailing.;Sailing Area;Trip Reputation;Other;5;5;5;Baltimore;na;St. Michaels;8;St. Michaels;8;Name of restaurant;8;8;4;10;3;Not enough sailing weather in Chesapeake (that time of year?) Boat checkout was done late while other boats were leaving.;3;6;1;Too small. I was assigned to sleep in the galley on the bench behind the table. I had not a hanger to hang anything up nor a space to put anything personal. Only one head for six people.;10;10;7;1;8;10;7;5;6;5;I do not want to sail with Krakauer again. He is autonomous in decision making for his boat. He was not interested in anyone's input re preferences or comforts. He made decisions on whether or not we would have breakfast based on whether or not he needed it. He even monopolized the game (I forget the name of it...but each boat had a list of items to find) which should have been a fun team effort for each boat.;10;1;I slept in the galley. on the bench behind/and partially under the table. ;8;2;I am scheduled to go in November and am hoping for a better experience.;dk;yes;Marilyn Caracciolo;; October Trip;Cat's Paw;Rob Chichester;10;9;10;na;;;Trip Reputation;Trip Leader Reputation;Sailing Area;8;9;8;Dividing Creek;9;St. MIchaels;8;Magothy River;9;Crab Claw;7;8;10;9;9;It was a great trip. I would have liked the weather to be a bit warmer and for the wind to blow on Sun and Mon but since that is beyond the control of the club, I have no reason to complain! lol. I would also have like the opportunity to spend more time with entire fleet rather than just the three boats that sailed the third day. I think all the boats should have stuck to the full itinerary.;6;7;6;I didn't like the center cockpit. It was awkward trying to move the traveler; there was too much space lost to the aft cabin which was very large at the expense of the salon, galley, and v-berth. The general quarters were awkward to maneuver around if there was anyone sitting on the benches.;10;10;9;9;10;10;9;7;10;8;I would sail with Rob and Carolyn anytime and anywhere. They made a great combination. Carolyn is very calm, cool collected and is FANTASTIC either in the galley or behind the wheel. Rob's passion for the sea and sailing comes through loud and clear and is contagious.;9;8;I'd love to sail with this combination of people again.;8;8;;yes;no;Betty Grieve;; October Trip;Wind Song;Ceceile;10;8;8;5;We were fortunate to have 8 flexible and amicable sailors in our group considering the limited space especially in the cockpit of the 40 ft Hunter. ;;Sailing Area;To be with Friend, spouse, etc.;No Answer;9;8;8;Write in location;8;Write in location;9;Write in location;1;Name of restaurant;10;10;9;10;8;;6;6;5;;10;10;9;9;10;10;5;5;6;9;;10;4;;10;7;;no;no;;; Florida Trip;Indian Summer;Krakauer;10;10;10;8;;;Sailing Area;Sailing Area;Sailing Area;10;10;8;Pelican Bay;10;Venice;7;Sarasota;8;Too many to list;na;10;10;8;10;;10;10;8;;na;10;na;na;na;na;na;na;na;na;;10;8;;8;10;;yes;no;;; Florida Trip;Patent Settlement;Ray Gray;10;10;10;10;;;Sailing Area;Trip Reputation;Trip Leader Reputation;10;10;10;Pelican Bay;10;Crow's Nest Marina;10;Marina Jacks;10;Crow's Nest;10;10;9;10;9;;9;10;9;;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;9;10;;10;10;;10;10;;yes;no;John Francischetti;; On-Water Training;;;10;10;10;na;;;Sailing Area;Personal Favorite;To be with Friend, spouse, etc.;8;10;8;Paradise Bay;10;Venice Crow's nest marina;8;Longboat Key - Miller's dock;8;Pink Elephant - Boca Grande;9;10;10;10;8;;8;8;5;The settee is not much wider than I am - and I've lost weight! We had a leaky head aft - we had to keep pumping to prevent overflow. Some hurricane problems not fixed - but a good boat.;8;na;10;10;10;10;10;10;8;7;I wish I had known that politics could not be discussed with my friends.;10;6;Great crew. Carolyn Farnsworth is terrific, also Tilly-Jo. Betsy is new to sailing but did her best.;9;9;;yes;no;Jon Stufflebeem;; On-Water Training;Wind Daze;Ken Jones;10;10;10;7;only 3 of the 6 there. Info received was good, but follow-up on meal planning was very poor.;;Sailing Area;Personal Favorite;Other;10;na;10;Pelican Bay;8;Venice;10;Longboat Key/Sarasota/Venice/Boca Grande;9;Crow's Nest (2) , Pink Elephant, Bova Grande;9;na;9;10;10;Great trip;9;10;9;We even had a bathtub!;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;8;10;Both Ken and Jon are seasoned sailors, and I felt very confident with both. All crew were experienced sailors, and little instruction was needed, but anything needed to be explained was done so very well.;7;9;Could have been more considerate of galley space and timing. Terry and I had done all the shopping due to travel restrictions by others. More info about dietary restrictions should have been given, and more help in preparation of meals for the crew as a whole. I was very upset that some of the crew were so vocal about political preferences and couldn't accept a 'done deal'. It created a lot of discension (and I know I spelled that wrong, but it's early in the morning and I'm too lazy to get up and look for a dictionary). Made for some uncomfortable days. I wish we could have just "agrred to disagree" and dropped the subject.;10;9;;yes;no;;; Florida Trip;indian summer;steve krakauer;9;9;9;na;;;No Answer;No Answer;No Answer;10;10;9;raft up cayo casto;8;longboat anchor;8;sarasota;8;Name of restaurant;na;9;7;10;8;;8;10;1;;10;10;8;9;8;na;8;9;10;10;;10;10;;8;9;;yes;yes;stu miller;; On-Water Training;;Ray Gray;10;7;10;na;Trip was good. However, I did not realize the ICW was so much motoring. Fortunately we were able to modify the trip and sail outside the ICW.;;Sailing Area;No Answer;No Answer;8;9;9;Write in location;9;Write in location;9;Write in location;9;Name of restaurant;9;8;5;10;6;Too much motoring. Sailing was limited do to changes in depth as related to the charts.;10;10;10;;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;;10;10;;7;7;;yes;no;Cecilia Sweeney;;581;