TripName;Boat_Name;Skipper_Name;Signup_Proc;Flier_info;Other_printed_info;Pretrip_Mtg;General;Other_Reason;Reason1;Reason2;Reason3;Trip_Length;Checkout;Start_time;Place1;Place1_rating;Place2;Place2_rating;Place3;Place3_rating;Restaurant;Rest_rating;Checkin;SailingArea;TLPerform;Expectations;Trip_Comments;Layout;Equipment;Berth;Boat;Skipper;MATE;Safety;VHF;Galley;HEAD;Sails;Docklines;Learning;Participation;SkipMate;Help;Close_quarters;Crewmates.COST;;Value;improvements;return;reply;name;email;time_to_complete; On Water Tarining;Kathleen Anne;Dave Steward;10;10;10;10;Everything well organized, as is usual for the club.;1. Wanted to learn more about sailing, as I am a beginner. 2. Club has a reputation for providing good training. 3. Weekend of training is just enough.;No Answer;No Answer;No Answer;10;3;10;Tidewater Marina;9;Tidewater Marina;9;Write in location;na;Ken's;9;5;7;10;10;Check out procedures upon arrival seem to be very long and tedious, however I suppose they are necessary.;10;10;10;We were on a brand new boat. What could we complain about?;10;na;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;Everything was excellent. Exceeded my expectations.;10;10;;5;8;;yes;no;Theresa Petras;;428; None Selected;Dreamweaver;Rob Chichester;10;10;10;1; I did not recieve any new info at the meeting, perhaps as I have done SO many owts, and have done many,many trips with the club, I am 'hardened or calused' about those meetings and they are way too far to get to ,at the hour planned, etc. I would prefer a meeting closer perhaps led by an assistant to the trip leader, who could communicate with the trip leader by email before and after the meeting.;to shake out the fuzzies and to renew the skills, regain confidence, and get the 'feel' of the boat back;No Answer;No Answer;No Answer;5;na;6;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Aquatica !!! 5 star;10;na;10;10;1;;1;1;1;;6;na;10;4;na;10;na;1;9;6;;10;10;The cinstruction was valuable and well presented. I appreciate the effort by the skippers to change gears and adapt for the weather.lassroom ;6;1; Very expensive for the return on investment. I practiced one maneuver on a different boat which took approx. 20 minutes.(yes,I benefited watching the other crew do their trials) But-- Add the cost of the transport down plus the resaurants it was WAY expensive. ;yes;yes;;;2095; None Selected;Dreamweaver;Rob Chichester;10;10;10;1; I did not recieve any new info at the meeting, perhaps as I have done SO many owts, and have done many,many trips with the club, I am 'hardened or calused' about those meetings and they are way too far to get to ,at the hour planned, etc. I would prefer a meeting closer perhaps led by an assistant to the trip leader, who could communicate with the trip leader by email before and after the meeting.;to shake out the fuzzies and to renew the skills, regain confidence, and get the 'feel' of the boat back;No Answer;No Answer;No Answer;5;na;6;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Aquatica !!! 5 star;10;na;10;10;1;;1;1;1;;6;na;10;4;na;10;na;1;9;6;;10;10;The cinstruction was valuable and well presented. I appreciate the effort by the skippers to change gears and adapt for the weather.lassroom ;6;1; Very expensive for the return on investment. I practiced one maneuver on a different boat which took approx. 20 minutes.(yes,I benefited watching the other crew do their trials) But-- Add the cost of the transport down plus the resaurants it was WAY expensive. ;yes;yes;;;2156; None Selected;Dreamweaver;Rob Chichester;10;10;10;1; I did not recieve any new info at the meeting, perhaps as I have done SO many owts, and have done many,many trips with the club, I am 'hardened or calused' about those meetings and they are way too far to get to ,at the hour planned, etc. I would prefer a meeting closer perhaps led by an assistant to the trip leader, who could communicate with the trip leader by email before and after the meeting.;to shake out the fuzzies and to renew the skills, regain confidence, and get the 'feel' of the boat back;No Answer;No Answer;No Answer;5;na;6;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Aquatica !!! 5 star;10;na;10;10;1;;1;1;1;;6;na;10;4;na;10;na;1;9;6;;10;10;The cinstruction was valuable and well presented. I appreciate the effort by the skippers to change gears and adapt for the weather.lassroom ;6;1; Very expensive for the return on investment. I practiced one maneuver on a different boat which took approx. 20 minutes.(yes,I benefited watching the other crew do their trials) But-- Add the cost of the transport down plus the resaurants it was WAY expensive. ;yes;yes;;;2167; On Water Tarining;Wisp;Bob Lipman;10;10;10;2;Pre-Trip Meeting for OWT is perhaps good for new members. With minimal food planning, its importance is low.;Opportunity to gain concentrated boat handling experience.;Trip Reputation;No Answer;No Answer;8;9;7;Write in location;10;Write in location;10;Write in location;na;Name of Restaurant;8;8;8;8;2;Poor return on investment! Had the boat out only one day and that was shortened by plan to allow for a "Debriefing" meeting which never happened. When one boat had a failure and their crew was transfered to the other two boats, the "Debriefing" should have been scrubed and boats encouraged to spend more time training with their added crew burden. Next day with "gale" warnings in the bay, we rightfully cancelled plans to go there, but could have practiced more in slip in-and-out under the higher and opposite-direction wind conditions. In port, we were far from "gale" conditions. We did not do any boat handling that day. Each of us on Wisp got only approximately 20 minutes helm time, making the weekend very short on hands-on training, the primary purpose of OWT.;10;10;9;;10;na;10;10;10;10;10;10;6;6;Opportunity was time limited as noted above. Skipper/Instructor was especially comendable for his intruction with a new, never-sailed-before crew member. ;10;8;;2;2;See "The Trip" above.;yes;no;Vic Oburg;;2726; On Water Tarining;Dreamweaver;Chichester;na;na;na;7;OWT should have been advertised starting in January. Instructors should have been solicited at the same time.;I was asked to instruct. I also like participating when I can learn something from Dave.;To be with Friend, spouse, etc.;Other;No Answer;10;9;8;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Coakley's Pub;8;9;6;5;6;Everyone showed great flexibility and adaptability in dealing with losing one boat on Saturday and then not being able to sail on Sunday. I think the weekend was handled as well as could be expected overall.;8;8;na;I slept on another boat. There was plenty of room for the remaining 5 people hopefully. ;na;8;na;na;na;na;na;na;9;4;Sailing is ALWAYS a learning experience, even when...maybe especially when the experience was not intended to be so. Joel is a good student and would make an excellent instructor. He communicates well and thinks through the process.;9;na;Having the instructors sleep aboard another vessel may have been miscontrued by some. It was not an effort for the instructors to avoid their crews but a means of giving people more space. Comments were made about dining together but in recent years, that has not been an issue.;na;8;Advertise early and often. Select instructors early and then use them in your advertising. Advertise the course outline. Use comments from previous weekends in the marketing effort. Perhaps offer to other clubs (as long as their members join our club).;dk;no;Rob Chichester;;966; On Water Tarining;Kathleen Anne;John Stewart;10;10;8;8;;;Recommendation;No Answer;No Answer;na;8;10;Write in location;6;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Name of Restaurant;na;na;8;9;9;OWT sessions were useful. I think the knot tying lecture was not useful. No fault of the presenter, just that one needs to practice knots to learn so time spent on a quick lecture could probably be used to better benefit.;7;7;7;OK for OWT, minimal electronics (no GPS etc) would make this less than ideal for cruising;10;9;8;8;na;8;8;8;8;9;;9;8;;6;7;;yes;yes;Bob Rainey;;805; On Water Tarining;Kathleen Ann;Dave Steward;10;10;10;na;;Great way to shake out the cob webs;Personal Favorite;Trip Reputation;No Answer;6;7;10;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Write in location;na;Ken's Steak House;8;10;10;10;10;;10;10;10;;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;10;;10;10;;10;10;;yes;no;Cecilia Sweeney;;356; On Water Tarining;Dreamweaver;Rob Chichester;10;9;10;7;Normally, I consider the pre-trip meeting as very important. I did not attend the pre-trip for this OWT. Trip leader and ATL supplied ample information. Therefore I did not feel as if I had missed anything important.;I wanted to get some hands-on experience in operation of the boat, add to my knowledge and experience, and sharpen up on some of the things I learned last year;Trip Reputation;Sailing Area;Marketing efforts;10;10;10;Havre de Grace;8;Havre de Grace;8;Write in location;1;Kens Steak House;7;10;8;10;7;The breakdown of the boat and the hard weather conditions that forced cancellation of sailing time for 2nd day impacted the trip greatly. However, the small boat handling exercises were exactly the kind of experience I was looking for. The instruction concerning operation of the radio was very informative but would have been greatly enhanced if the crews had the opportunity to actually try to use the radios during the trip.;8;2;7;The boat broke down. That's the only reason I rated it low. Otherwise, it was an excellent boat.;9;na;10;8;8;10;na;10;9;10;We did not have a First Mate. Rob is an excellent Skipper and he is generous in his sharing of knowledge.;9;8;;10;7;;yes;no;Tom Buckley;;2228; On Water Tarining;Wisp;Bob Lipman;10;10;10;10;;;Trip Reputation;Trip Leader Reputation;No Answer;10;10;na;Baysail, Tidewater Marina;8;Baysail , Tidewater Marina;8;Write in location;na;Laurrapin Grill / MacGregor's;8;na;na;10;9;;9;9;8;;10;na;10;10;10;10;na;10;9;9;;10;9;;10;10;;yes;no;;;918; Memorial Day Trip (Annapolis);Loon a Sea;Tom Davies;10;10;10;na;I couldn't make the pre-trip meeting. However, communication from the trip leader and my skipper filled me in sufficiently so I felt prepped for the trip.;;Marketing efforts;Sailing Area;Personal Favorite;10;10;10;Port Annapolis;7;Shaw Bay;10;St. Michael's Harbor Inn;8;St. Michael's Crab and Steak;8;8;9;10;10;Bob and Theresa ran a fun, well-organized trip. The relaxation theme was clever, and the yoga class was a big success. Annapolis Bay Charters were also well organized and responsive. Their checkout process was quick and efficient, conducted in a cheerful manner. Their representative, while personable, was also professional about the boat and its gear.;8;8;9;It helped that the weather was lovely for outdoor sleeping -- with two in the cockpit, the berths below were roomy. Otherwise it might have been a little crowded in the quarter berth.;10;na;10;na;na;na;na;10;7;10;My NAs are because a) I was the first mate, b) I didn't need explanations or c) I provided the explanation.;8;8;It was a good group, for an almost all girl crew (I would have liked a slightly better gender balance).;8;8;;yes;no;;;742;