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The Sailing Club, Inc.


Psychedelic Cruisers Groove on the Bay


boat crew What a trip! For three glorious days in mid-September, Skippers Julio Menendez, Larry Sherwood, Bob Dubois, and trip leader Mia McCroskey transported twenty-four energetic sailors on a magical mystery tour of Chesapeake Bay. We boarded in Annapolis (once we found the marina) and everyone found some place wonderful to dine Friday night, as Annapolis is noted for its fine restaurants. Rain had accompanied most of us on the drive down, but better weather was forecast, and we were hopeful.

Indeed, Saturday dawned with perfect, warm, weather, and with a good breeze. Distances were short in the planned itinerary, so all boats enjoyed a leisurely sail, crisscrossing the Bay while watching the Academy midshipmen racing. Everyone made it to the planned rendezvous point in the Rhode River by four PM (ish). Crews from a couple boats were heard muttering “what happens in the South River, stays in the South River,” but no clear explanations of any detours to a different river were offered.

boat crew The usual tension during rafting maneuvers was eased by Captain Sherwood’s boat arriving in full Sixties costumes and flashing peace signs all around. The boats were secured easily and we enjoyed a calm autumn evening. Well, calm for the boats….but the people were a different story. Everyone changed into psychedelic attire, or had their faces painted with appropriate symbols. The psychedelic brownie contest and trivia contest proved Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane correct: “If you can remember anything about the Sixties, you weren’t really there.” Prizes of CD’s were awarded for various trivia achievements and soon the evening air was filled with the melodies of The Rolling Stones, The Doors, and Joanie Mitchell. As the sun set, crews were visiting among the boats and sampling appetizers and reveling in the good company.

Sunday morning was warmer than Saturday and more than half of the crews had a swim either before or after breakfast. No one was in a hurry to leave the river…but we finally tore ourselves away around ten and headed for the Herrington Harbor South Marina. What a great destination! Although on the cool side, some of our party leaped into the large swimming pool while many others headed over to the Tiki Bar and still others took the mile walk to the beach or just wandered the landscaped brick paths throughout the marina. The palm trees, bougainvillea, and hibiscus made many of us feel as though we’d arrived on a Caribbean island…but after all, we were on a magical mystery tour, weren’t we?

boat crew

We all headed back to Annapolis on Monday, and after final unloading and the usual hurry up and wait, got on the road heading home. We were blessed with great weather, knowledgeable skippers and first mates, and we had a good mix of new-to-sailing folks and those with lots of experience. And every single one was a really righteous dude or dudette!

Mia McCroskey and Mary Ann Gordon


Doug groovin
Ray enjoying wine