On-Water Training

May 20 - 21, 2023

Each spring we invite all members to participate in a two-day training weekend. The program offers everyone a chance to practice steering under power and sail, docking, and anchoring. You do not have to be a skipper or first mate to work on these skills that make you an even more valuable crew member on every trip.

On Saturday, boat systems reviews were conducted, as well as, boat handling under power, and rafting.. One addition this year was a session at the picnic grove on line handling (coiling, throwing, and so on) and knot tying. Sunday was a sailing day with a period on each point of sail, tacking, jibing, heaving-to, and a man overboard recovery (the PFD was successfully brought back on board.

Here are some scenes from this year's outing.

Please plan on joining us next year!

Photos by Mia McCroskey


Sailing Undiscovered Waters to the “Middle of Nowhere”


U.S. Virgin Islands